Beginner's Bodyweight Training Plan for Men's Health Duration: 4 Weeks

Beginner's Bodyweight Training Plan for Men's Health Duration: 4 Weeks

What is bodyweight training and what are its benefits?

Bodyweight training uses your own body as resistance to build strength and muscle instead of relying on weights or machines. It leverages exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges and planks.

The key benefits of bodyweight training are:

  • Develops functional strength for daily life
  • Enhances mobility, balance and coordination
  • Provides effective muscle toning and fat burning
  • Boosts athletic performance and explosiveness
  • Prevents injury by strengthening connective tissues
  • Requires no equipment for accessibility anywhere

In summary, bodyweight workouts help beginners gain fitness and strength using just their bodyweight safely and efficiently.

What are the goals of this 4 week bodyweight plan?

This 4 week bodyweight plan aims to provide beginner men with:

  • Foundational instruction in proper exercise technique
  • Progressive training to build strength through easier to harder bodyweight variations
  • Increased muscle endurance, tone and definition
  • Improved balance, mobility and cardiovascular fitness
  • Enhanced fat burning potential
  • Reduced risk of injury through gradual progression

The goal is for beginners to develop core fitness knowledge, discipline and habits through their first month of regular bodyweight training.

What is included in each workout session?

Each workout session will include:

  • 5 minute total body warm up
  • 6-8 bodyweight strength exercises performed for 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps
  • 5 minute cooldown stretch

Sessions target either upper body, lower body or full body depending on the day. Workouts build progressively from weeks 1-4 by manipulating difficulty, volume and rest periods.

What equipment is needed?

The only equipment required is a workout mat for comfort doing floor exercises. While no special equipment is mandatory, a pull-up bar allows integrating vertical pulling exercises. All workouts can be done solely using bodyweight if needed.

What changes will beginners experience by week 4?

By completing this 4 week training plan, beginners can expect to:

  • Perform 2-3 more reps for each exercise compared to week 1
  • Complete workouts with shorter rest periods
  • Feel increased muscle firmness and definition
  • Notice improved balance and coordination
  • Have greater flexibility and joint range of motion
  • Experience enhanced stamina and cardio fitness
  • Feel a sense of confidence and achievement in forming a new fitness habit

Progress will require effort and consistency, but tangible improvements in strength, endurance and aesthetics are achievable in 4 weeks.

What are 5 tips for beginners starting bodyweight training?

Here are 5 tips for bodyweight training beginners:

  1. Master proper form - Correct technique is vital, don't sacrifice form for more reps. Maintain core and body alignment.
  2. Progress slowly - Build volume and difficulty gradually over weeks/months to prevent overuse injuries.
  3. Listen to your body - Take rest days when needed and avoid training through joint pain.
  4. Be patient - Strength adaptations happen slowly. Stick with the process and do not get discouraged.
  5. Make it a habit - Schedule workouts, track progression, and create lifestyle patterns to maintain consistency.

Bodyweight Workout Plan Week 1

Week 1 Day 1: Full Body Workout

Warm Up:

  • Jumping jacks x 20 reps
  • Bodyweight squats x 10 reps
  • Push up plank x 20 seconds


  • Push ups x 10 reps
  • Glute bridges x 12 reps
  • Split squats x 10 reps (each leg)
  • Dips x 10 reps (use chair or bench)
  • Plank x 30 seconds

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Child's pose x 30 seconds
  • Calf stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Upper back stretch x 15 seconds

Week 1 Day 2: Legs

Warm Up:

  • Jog in place x 1 minute
  • Lunge with twist x 10 reps (each leg)
  • Mountain climbers x 15 reps


  • Bodyweight squats x 12 reps
  • Forward lunges x 12 reps (each leg)
  • Wall sit x 30 seconds
  • Calf raises x 15 reps
  • Side lunges x 10 reps (each leg)

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Seated hamstring stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Standing quad stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Butterfly stretch x 30 seconds

Week 1 Day 3: Rest

Take a full rest day. Get a light stretch if muscle soreness is present.

Week 1 Day 4: Upper Body

Warm Up:

  • Jumping jacks x 15 reps
  • Shoulder circles x 10 reps forward and backward


  • Push ups x 8 reps
  • Wide grip push ups x 6 reps
  • Tricep dips on chair x 10 reps
  • Plank to downward dog x 5 reps
  • Tricep kickbacks x 12 reps (each arm)

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Child's pose x 30 seconds
  • Upper back stretch x 15 seconds
  • Tricep stretch x 15 seconds (each arm)

Bodyweight Workout Plan Week 2

Week 2 Day 1: Full Body

Warm Up:

  • High Knees x 30 seconds
  • Lunge with rotation x 10 reps (each leg)
  • Push up x 5 reps


  • Squats x 12 reps
  • Push ups x 10 reps
  • Glute bridge x 15 reps
  • Tricep dips on bench x 12 reps
  • Plank x 45 seconds

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Butterfly stretch x 30 seconds
  • Calf stretch x 15 reps (each leg)
  • Child's pose x 30 seconds

Week 2 Day 2: Legs

Warm Up:

  • Jog in place x 1 minute
  • Bodyweight squat x 10 reps
  • High knees x 30 seconds


  • Forward lunge x 14 reps (each leg)
  • Pistol squats x 6 reps (each leg)
  • Lateral lunges x 12 reps (each leg)
  • Calf raises x 20 reps
  • Wall sit x 45 seconds

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Seated hamstring stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Quad stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Figure 4 glute stretch x 30 seconds (each side)

Week 2 Day 3: Rest

Take a full rest day. Light yoga or walking is optional.

Week 2 Day 4: Upper Body

Warm Up:

  • Jumping jacks x 20 reps
  • Shoulder circles x 10 reps forward & backward


  • Wide grip push ups x 8 reps
  • Tricep dips on bench x 12 reps
  • Plank up/down dog x 8 reps
  • Bicep curls (water bottle) x 10 reps
  • Tricep kickback x 15 reps (each arm)

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Childs pose x 30 seconds
  • Upper back stretch x 15 seconds
  • Arm circles x 10 reps forward & backward

Bodyweight Workout Plan Week 3

Week 3 Day 1: Full Body

Warm Up:

  • High knees x 30 seconds
  • Lunge with twist x 10 reps (each leg)
  • Push up x 5 reps


  • Jump squats x 10 reps
  • Push ups x 12 reps
  • Glute bridge walkout x 10 reps
  • Dips x 15 reps
  • Plank to downward dog x 10 reps

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Butterfly stretch x 30 seconds
  • Calf stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Child's pose x 30 seconds

Week 3 Day 2: Legs

Warm Up:

  • Step ups x 15 reps (each leg)
  • Bodyweight squat x 10 reps
  • Mountain climbers x 20 reps


  • Bulgarian split squat x 10 reps (each leg)
  • Jump squats x 15 reps
  • Lateral lunge to back kick x 10 reps (each leg)
  • Donkey kicks x 15 reps (each leg)
  • Wall sit x 60 seconds

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Seated hamstring x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Quad stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Figure 4 glute stretch x 30 seconds (each side)

Week 3 Day 3: Rest

Take a full rest day. Get a light stretch.

Week 3 Day 4: Upper Body

Warm Up:

  • Jumping jacks x 25 reps
  • Arm circles x 10 reps forward & backward


  • Standard push up x 10 reps
  • Decline push up x 8 reps
  • Tricep dips on bench x 15 reps
  • Bicep curls (water bottle) x 12 reps
  • Shoulder tap planks x 10 reps

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Child's pose x 30 seconds
  • Upper back stretch x 15 seconds
  • Tricep stretch x 15 seconds (each arm)

Bodyweight Workout Plan Week 4

Week 4 Day 1: Full Body

Warm Up:

  • Burpees x 6 reps
  • Bodyweight squat x 10 reps
  • Mountain climbers x 20 reps


  • Jump squats x 12 reps
  • Decline push up x 10 reps
  • Single leg glute bridges x 12 reps (each leg)
  • Tricep dips x 15 reps
  • Plank jacks x 10 reps

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Butterfly stretch x 30 seconds
  • Calf stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Child's pose x 30 seconds

Week 4 Day 2: Legs

Warm Up:

  • Lunge with twist x 10 reps (each leg)
  • High knees x 30 seconds
  • Bodyweight squat x 10 reps


  • Bulgarian split squats x 12 reps (each leg)
  • Jump squats x 15 reps
  • Lateral lunge x 12 reps (each leg)
  • Calf raises x 30 reps
  • Wall sit x 60 seconds

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Seated hamstring stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Quad stretch x 15 seconds (each leg)
  • Figure 4 glute stretch x 30 seconds (each side)

Week 4 Day 3: Rest

Take a full rest day. Get a light stretch.

Week 4 Day 4: Upper Body

Warm Up:

  • Jumping jacks x 30 reps
  • Push up x 5 reps
  • Shoulder circles x 10 reps forward & backward


  • Decline push ups x 10 reps
  • Diamond push ups x 8 reps
  • Triceps dips on bench x 15 reps
  • Bicep curls (water bottle) x 15 reps
  • Plank jacks x 15 reps

Cooldown Stretch:

  • Child's pose x 30 seconds
  • Upper back stretch x 15 seconds
  • Tricep stretch x 15 seconds (each arm)


In summary, this 4 week bodyweight training plan progresses from easier to more challenging bodyweight exercises to help beginner men safely build strength, muscle endurance, balance and fitness. Workouts target total body, upper body and lower body across the weeks while manipulating volume and intensity. If completed consistently, men can expect noticeable improvements in physique, athleticism and confidence in their bodyweight training abilities by the end of the 4 weeks. This foundational program paves the way for continued progression.

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